Before you book, please take note of the differences between booking GRAND or LUXURY Packages.
Grand Bahia vs Luxury Bahia..what's the difference?
If you stay at Luxury you have access both sides of the resort BUT if you stay at the Grand you do NOT have access to the Luxury side. So what's the difference between the Grand and Luxury?
Grand is for everyone including children
Luxury is adults only.
NEW OPTION: Book to stay at the Grand, as its more affordalbe and then add the Luxury access band. for only $60 for the 4 nights stay. You then have full access the same as the Luxury guests. It is a much more affordable option!
Approximately 90% of our guests choose to stay in the Luxury. Luxury is a smaller property so its more intimate. Luxury has a cold towel welcome, concierge services, & an upgraded bar selection. It also has room service included.
Grand has a very large lobby that is expansive and open with nice shops and sports bar adjoining. They have recently added a jerk food centre by the pool and a large market style restaurant ( Luxury guests have access too)
All rooms at both resorts are spacious junior suites. All the suites are exactly the same size in each resort. The only difference in the room types is the view. There are three view types:
SUperior/Deluxe (no specific view guarantees)
Seaview - view of the sea - about 400 metres from the sea
Oceanfront- closer view of the sea -about 200 metres. Oceanfront rooms ONLY have king-sized beds.
The Luxury bathroom is a bit larger and has two face basins vs the Grand bathroom with only one. Otherwise the rooms are the same in size. Decor can differ - some have dark wood and others have white furnishings. The TVs in the rooms are smaller than average size, and this is the case in both resorts (but you didnt come to Jamaica to watch TV!)
The main buffets are extensive with a wide variety of choices. If you stay at Luxury you can go to both buffets. Note to Vegans: the Grand Buffet has a dedicated vegan section each night.
BEDDING TYPE: all rooms have either two double beds or one king sized bed. We will ask your preference at registration but this does NOT mean that the bedding type is guaranteed. It is just requested. We are not responsible to guarantee it as the hotel does not offer guarantees. If the hotel only has a king bed available and the two persons do not want to share, they will add a rollway twin bed into the room or fix the sofa bed up, thus offering two beds. The Luxury side is 95% king beds, so those who may not want this to happen, you may prefer to book into the Grand Side where the property has more double bedded rooms. However it is not guaranteed at the Grand either. The only way to 100% guarantee one bed. for one person is. to book a single. room.
NOTE: As Jamaicans, we are a chill people, so please leave that stress behind as our culture isn't receptive to stressful people who make a big deal out of small matters. If that's you, then this event is NOT For you! It won't fit with our culture here. This is a THIRD world country! We be chillin...! This is your well earned vacation and we deliver a top class event! You're going to have a GREAT TIME! Just relax your mind and go with the flow! That's the Jamaica vibe!
Rates increase EVERY month so the earlier you deposit and lock in the low rate, the cheaper the package will be.